PPE 9/2023
Ocena zasadności wniosku wierzyciela o zawieszenie postępowania egzekucyjnego wraz z wnioskiem o uchylenie dokonanych zajęć. Analiza sposobu rozstrzygnięcia wniosku przez organ egzekucyjny
dr Joanna Szachta
prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej; ORCID: 0000-0002-8042-8212

Assessing the Rationale for an Application of a Creditor for Suspending Enforcement Proceedings with an Application for Revoking Closed Seizures. Analysis of Responding to an Application by an Enforcement Authority
A practice may be noted of creditors who submit applications to bailiffs for suspending enforcement proceedings, with the simultaneous revoking of all seizures conducted. This paper analyses such applications from creditors and presents a possible, according to the author, way of handling them. The purpose of the paper is to present issues related to the above-mentioned applications filed by creditors, taking into account the due course of enforcement proceedings and applicable regulations, including the brief presentation of changes that came into effect on 1 July 2023.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, remission of enforcement proceedings, suspending enforcement proceedings, application of a creditor, bailiff