PPE 7/2023
Wyłączenie sędziego, reprezentacja strony oraz pełnomocnictwo procesowe. Komentarz do art. 53(1) k.p.c., 68 k.p.c. i 87 k.p.c. zmodyfikowanych ustawą z dnia 9 marca 2023 r.
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. UŁ
Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; ORCID: 0000-0001-9824-7789
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Excluding a Judge, Representing a Party and Appointing a Representative ad Litem. Comments on Articles 53(1), 68 and 87 of the Civil Procedural Code, as Amended by the Act of 9 March 2023
This paper analyses the Act of 9 March 2023. At the beginning, it discusses a regulation expanding the catalogue of circumstances based on which it is determined whether an application for excluding a judge is inadmissible with a situation where the applicant requests to exclude a judge that is not a member of the forum (Art. 53(1) § 1 p. 3 of the Civil Procedural Code). Then, it presents a regulation based on which certain entities are exempted from an obligation to prove their authorisation to represent litigants, i.e. to act as a litigant’s body (Art. 68 § 3 of the Civil Procedural Code). Finally, it discusses an amendment in the regulation on appointing a representative ad litem, namely in cases concerning the identification of the child’s origin and in cases where maintenance is claimed (Art. 87 § 3 of the Civil Procedural Code).
Keywords: admissibility of an application for excluding a judge, proving an authorisation to act as a litigant’s body, appointing a representative ad litem