PPE 7/2022
O właściwości sądu do rozpoznania zażalenia na zarządzenie przewodniczącego w sądzie pierwszej instancji o zwrocie wniosku o udzielenie zabezpieczenia. Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 9 listopada 2021 r. (III CZP 69/20)
Marek Lewandowski
sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Competence of Court to Examine a Complaint about a Ruling of a Chairperson in the First Instance Court on the Return of a Request for an Injunctive Relief. Gloss on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 9 November 2021 (III CZP 69/20)
In resolution of 9 November 2021, III CZP 69/20, the Supreme Court resolved a very important issue, both for the practice and theory of civil process law, namely of admissibility of a complaint about a ruling of a chairperson on the return of a request for an injunctive relief in the first instance court. It was adopted in the resolution that a court in which the ruling complained about was issued (art. 741 § 2 Code of Civil Proceedings) is competent to examine a complaint about the ruling of the chairperson in the first instance court.
According to the author of the gloss, the interpretation adopted by the Supreme Court of the concept of ‘ruling in the matter of an injunctive relief’ used by the legislator in art. 741 Code of Civil Proceedings, covering a ruling of the chairperson in the first instance court on the return of a request for an injunctive relief, does not seem convincing. The present legal status rather justifies an opinion of the inadmissibility of a complaint about such a ruling of a chairperson.
Keywords: complaint in injunction proceedings, ruling of a chairperson to return a request for an injunctive relief