PPE 6/2023
Skarga pauliańska – środek prawny przeciwko rozporządzeniu przedmiotem wchodzącym w skład majątku wspólnego małżonków
Marek Kułak
adwokat w Katowickiej Izbie Adwokackiej; ORCID: 0000-0002-7129-8794
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Actio Pauliana – Legal Remedy Against the Disposition of the Property Forming Part of the Joint Property of the Spouses
The article analyses the issue of actio pauliana and its impact on property relations between spouses remaining in the community of property regime. The actual analyses were accompanied by retrospectives of views on the admissibility of the actio pauliana in divisional cases expressed in the judgments of the Supreme Court. As a result, doubts regarding the liability of the non-debtor spouse and the scope of the creditor’s disposal of the enforcement title in relation to the debtor and his spouse. The article uses the latest judgments of the Supreme Court covering the issues raised and the positions of representatives of the doctrine presented. The article emphasizes the practical benefits of the judgments of the Supreme Court, which focuses mainly on the positive aspects of the cited judgments.
Keywords: joint property, division of joint property, actio pauliana, creditor’s detriment, debt enforcement