PPE 6/2023
Odmowa wszczęcia egzekucji po nowelizacji k.p.c. z 9 marca 2023 r. – zagadnienia wybrane
dr hab. Andrzej Olaś
adiunkt w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, adwokat; ORCID: 0000-0002-2295-8645
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Refusal to Initiate Judicial Enforcement after the March 9, 2023 Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure – Selected Issues
This article is an analysis of the institution of refusal to initiate judicial enforcement as provided for by the Act of July 4, 2019 amending the Act – Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1469, as amended) against the background of discontinuation of enforcement proceedings, which is a typical way of terminating these proceedings without achieving their purpose. The conducted research leads the author to a critical assessment of the introduced solutions from the point of view of their technical-legislative correctness, intra-system consistency, as well as protection of the rights of the creditor pursuing vis-avis the debtor coercive satisfaction of the debt covered by the enforcement title.
Keywords: refusal to initiate enforcement, suspension of enforcement proceedings, discontinuance of enforcement proceedings, prerequisites for enforcement proceedings, appellate measures in enforcement proceedings