PPE 4/2023
Prawo do asystencji przy czynnościach egzekucyjnych komornika w sądowym postępowaniu egzekucyjnym
dr hab. Andrzej Olaś
adiunkt w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, adwokat; ORCID: 0000-0002-2295-8645
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The Right to Assist in the Enforcement Actions of the Court Enforcement Officers in Judical Enforcement Proceedings
The article deals with the so-called “right to assist in enforcement proceedings” as provided for in Article 812 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, that is, the right of the creditor and debtor to participate in all enforcement actions as well as the possibility of witnesses and the public to participate in these actions. The article also considers the related issue of assisting in enforcement actions by police officers and other state services, carried out under special provisions. The text pays also attention to the adequacy of the current regulation to the goals set by the legislator. In this regard, the tensions and conflicts that may emerge between the value of openness (including transparency) of enforcement proceedings and the need to safeguard other values and legally protected goods were not lost sight of. The problem of the impact of the analyzed law on ensuring the effectiveness of enforcement, which is a prerequisite for achieving the goal of enforcement proceedings in the form of bringing about, within a reasonable time, the fulfillment of the obligation stated in the enforcement title, was also considered herein.
Keywords: enforcement actions of a court enforcement officer, openness of enforcement proceedings, witnesses to enforcement actions, assisting in enforcement actions