PPE 3/2024
Złożenie zabezpieczenia przez dłużnika oraz określenie przez sąd kwoty na zaspokojenie bieżących potrzeb. Uwagi na tle art. 821 § 1 k.p.c. oraz art. 821(1) k.p.c.
Jakub Bródka
absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; ORCID: 0000-0002-1504-5119

A Debtor Lodging a Security and a Court Defining Amounts Necessary to Meet Ongoing Needs. Comments Based on Art. 821 § 1 of the Civil Procedure Code and Art. 821(1) of the Civil Procedure Code
Jakub Bródka, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdansk; ORCID: 0000-0002-1504-5119
This article focuses on two issues: a security stipulated in Art. 821 § 1 of the Civil Procedure Code as regards the application of regulations on insolvency safeguard procedures and the nature of security in the court enforcement proceedings, as referred to in Art. 821 § 1 in fine of the Civil Procedure Code, and Art. 821(1) of the Civil Procedure Code, which provides for the court’s authority to define an amount necessary to meet the debtor’s ongoing needs during the suspension of enforcement proceedings. In the author’s opinion, the regulation is useless and questions the effectiveness of other protective regulations of the Civil Procedure Code.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, security, complaint about actions taken by the bailiff, appeal in court enforcement proceedings