PPE 2/2023
Pojęcie niebudzącego wątpliwości dowodu na piśmie – uwagi na gruncie art. 822 k.p.c. oraz art. 845 § 2(2) k.p.c.
Antoni Żukowski
autor ukończył aplikację adwokacką (ORA w Warszawie); ORCID: 0000-0003-3866-4753
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The Term of an Unambiguous Written Proof – Comments Based on Art. 822 of the Civil Procedure Code and Art. 845 § 2(2) of the Civil Procedure Code
This article discusses a term that appears in the Civil Procedure Code solely in the part concerning enforcement proceedings. The legislator only uses the term specified in the title above in two articles: Art. 822 of the Civil Procedure Code and Art. 845 § 2(2) of the Civil Procedure Code. The term “unambiguous written proof” has not been subject to the doctrine or the judicature’s statement, yet. While, the fact that enforcement authorities identify, in specific actual circumstances, “an unambiguous written proof” is essential for the parties of the proceedings and that is why this issue has been analysed in detail in this paper.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, written proof, seizure