PPE 12/2023
Doręczenie pisma za pośrednictwem komornika, rozpoznanie sprawy na posiedzeniu niejawnym oraz pouczenia stron. Komentarz do art. 139(2) k.p.c., 148(1) k.p.c. i 156(1) k.p.c. zmodyfikowanych ustawą z dnia 9 marca 2023 r.
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. UŁ
Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; ORCID: 0000-0001-9824-7789
Dowiedz się więcej![](https://przegladprawaegzekucyjnego.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/ppe.webp)
Servicing a Letter Via a Bailiff, Recognising a Case in Camera Hearing and Instruction of parties. Comment on art. 139(2), 148(1) and 156(1) of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
This paper comments on consecutive regulations of the Act of 9 March 2023 that modify the provisions of the Code of Civil Proceedings. First of all, the added art. 139(2) of the Code of Civil Proceedings has been analysed, which concerns the service of a letter to a defendant by a bailiff if a plaintiff resides or has its registered office abroad and is not represented by an attorney, a legal counsel or a patent agent practising in the Republic of Poland. Next, comments were presented on amended art. 148(1) § 3 of the Code of Civil Proceedings that governs conditions for excluding the admissibility of recognising a case in camera. Finally, added Art. 156(1) § 2 of the Code of Civil Proceedings has been presented, in which examples were listed of issues that may be a subject matter of ‘instructing’ parties by a chairperson with regard to a probable outcome of case.
Keywords: service of a letter via a bailiff, recognising a case in camera hearing, instructing parties of a probable outcome of case