PPE 12/2023
Uregulowanie podziału odpowiedzialności pomiędzy zastępowanym komornikiem a jego zastępcą w art. 50 u.k.s.
dr Grzegorz Kamieński
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu; ORCID: 0000-0002-1278-7950
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Regulation of the Division of Responsibility Between the Replaced Bailiff and His Deputy in art. 50 u.k.s.
The provision of art. 50 of the Act on Court Bailiffs introduces a division of liability between the replaced bailiff and his deputy (curator of the law firm) regarding incurring obligations arising from the employment of people in the law firm and incurring personal and material costs related to the enforcement activities conducted. The above-mentioned provision applies only in the event of dismissal of the bailiff from the position held (article 19 of the Act), expiry of the appointment to the position of bailiff by operation of law for the reasons specified in art. 20 section 1 points 2–4 and 6 of the Act or transfer of the bailiff (article 23 of the Act). Regulation of art. 50 of the Act will not apply if the expiry of the appointment occurred as a result of the death or incapacitation of the bailiff (Article 20 section 1 points 1 and 5 of the Act). The author analyzes the issue relating to the rules governing the division of responsibility between the replaced bailiff and his deputy, referred to in art. 50 of the Act.
Keywords: law on court bailiffs, enforcement proceedings, bailiff, deputy bailiff