PPE 11/2022
Ogłoszenie upadłości dłużnika a możliwość przysądzenia własności nieruchomości (lub użytkowania wieczystego). Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 18 listopada 2021 r., III CZP 77/20
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, prof. WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej
WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej z siedzibą w Rzeszowie, ORCID: 0000-0003-3636-8440; sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu
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Declaration of Debtor’s Bankruptcy and a Possibility to Adjudicate Ownership of Real Estate (or Usufruct). Gloss on Resolution of the Supreme Court of 18 November 2021, III CZP 77/20
Instances of declaring bankruptcy of debtors, including those who do not carry out a business activity (so-called consumer bankruptcy) and who are subject to court enforcement proceedings carried out by a bailiff, are not uncommon in trade practices. As a result, there is a problem of mutual relationship between regulations of the Act of 28 February 2003 of the Bankruptcy Law and regulations of Chapter III of the third part of the Civil Proceedings Code on enforcement proceedings (art. 796 et seq. CPC). The resolution voted on concerned one of such problems. In the resolved matter, the issue was if after the remission of enforcement proceedings against real estate (usufruct) by law (under art. 146(1) of the Bankruptcy Law) as a result of a valid declaration of bankruptcy of a debtor, it is still possible for a court to adjudicate ownership of real estate (or usufruct) in favour of an auction buyer, in the case when a decision on adjudicating became final and binding, before the final declaration of debtor’s bankruptcy was issued, and the buyer fulfilled auction terms and conditions in a timely manner.
Keywords: debtor’s bankruptcy, enforcement against real estate (or usufruct), adjudication decision, adjudication of ownership (or usufruct)