PPE 10/2023
W kwestii dopuszczalności skargi nadzwyczajnej od prawomocnych orzeczeń kończących postępowanie w sprawie, wydanych w postępowaniu egzekucyjnym – część 2
dr Monika Ged
radca prawny (OIRP w Gdańsku); ORCID: 0000-0003-1000-6011

On Admissibility of an Extraordinary Complaint Against Valid Rulings that Close Proceedings in a Case Issued in Enforcement Proceedings – Part 2
In the second part of the article dedicated to admissibility of an extraordinary complaint against valid rulings that close proceedings in a case, the author has focused on the issue of admissibility of an extraordinary complaint against rulings issued in enforcement proceedings. The analysis is focused on practical aspects of this subject matter. A focal point of the publication is the discussion of selected judgements of the Supreme Court issued as a result of recognising extraordinary complaints against rulings issued in enforcement proceedings. In the summary, the author presents her position on the admissibility of filing an extraordinary complaint against valid rulings issued in enforcement proceedings and carries out a practical assessment of applying this extraordinary complaint measure in enforcement proceedings.
Keywords: an extraordinary complaint, enforcement proceedings, appeal measures, judgement closing proceedings in a case, bailiffs, extraordinary appeal measures