PPE 1/2023
Egzekucja z wynagrodzenia za pracę – wybrane problemy i zagadnienia
Marta Pawłowska
uczestniczka prawniczego seminarium doktorskiego w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej; ORCID: 0000-0003-2430-1919

Collection of Debts from Wages – Selected Problems and Issues
The article analyses one of the most common forms of debt collection, i.e. the collection of debts from wages. It presents the history of development, and discusses the nature, of debt collection from wages. It pays the reader’s attention to important issues related to the collection of debts from wages, including activities taken by enforcement authorities to seize the debtor’s wages. It also mentions problems connected with the seizure of wages during the collection of debts from amounts exempted from deductions, because this issue is very important in the case of the collection of debts other than those payable as maintenance, where the amount exempted from deductions is not applied. The article also refers to the employer’s statutory obligations towards enforcement authorities.
It is the analysis of selected aspects related to the collection of debts from wages and can be useful, in particular, to professional debt collectors.
Keywords: the collection of debts from wages, the basis of the collection of debts from wages, the collection of debts from amounts exempted from deductions, enforcement (debt collection) proceedings