PPE 9/2022
Analiza zasadności ustalenia opłaty końcowej przez komornika sądowego w sytuacji, gdy wierzyciel jest podmiotem zwolnionym od uiszczania tej opłaty
dr Joanna Szachta
ORCID: 0000-0002-8042-8212; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
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Analysis of Reasonableness of Determining a Final Fee by a Bailiff in a Situation Where a Creditor is an Entity Exempt from this Fee
This study is an attempt at answering a question if a bailiff is entitled to determine a fixed fee and to summon a debtor to pay the same in the situation where a creditor is an entity from whom no final fee is collected (listed in art. 29(5) of the Act on bailiff costs). Moreover, it should be determined if a fixed fee should be determined in every case, except for a situation where conditions are fulfilled listed in art. 29(4-5) of the Act on bailiff costs and the fee is paid by a creditor, or if a fixed fee is an exceptional fee that is charged depending on an entity that is a creditor.
Keywords: a fixed fee, a final fee, a relative fee, an enforcement fee, costs of enforcement proceedings