PPE 7/2023
Głos w dyskusji dotyczącej zagadnienia, czy śmierć dłużnika stanowi wypadek oczywiście niecelowego wszczęcia postępowania egzekucyjnego
dr hab. Monika Michalska-Marciniak, prof. UŁ
Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, ORCID: 0000-0003-2293-0471; sędzia Sądu Apelacyjnego
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A Voice in the Discussion Concerning an Issue Whether the Debtor’s Death is an Example of an Obviously Aimless Initiation of Enforcement Procedures
Recently there have appeared diverging views about an amount of the court bailiff’s fee if enforcement procedures are discontinued due to the debtor’s death before the submission of an application for initiating enforcement procedures (original lack of judicial capacity). In the opinion of the Supreme Court, this should be qualified as an obviously aimless initiation of enforcement procedures within the meaning of Art. 30 of the Bailiff Fees Act. The literature on civil procedural law is critical about such an approach. This paper is an attempt to assess the views.
Keywords: obviously aimless initiation of enforcement procedures, the debtor’s death, original lack of the debtor’s judicial capacity