PPE 6/2022
Przysądzenie własności nieruchomości po uprawomocnieniu się postanowienia o ogłoszeniu upadłości dłużnika. Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 18 listopada 2021 roku (III CZP 77/20)
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak
kierownik Katedry Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego (afiliacja); kierownik Centrum Badań nad Aksjologią Procedur Cywilnych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; profesor z tytułem honorowym zwyczajnego w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; ORCID: 0000-0002-1596-465X
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
The Adjudication of Ownership of the Real Estate after Final Declaration of the Debtor’s Bankruptcy. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of November 18, 2021 (III CZP 77/20)
On the basis of the current legal status, it should to be accepted the Supreme Court’s view that the binding decision of declaring the debtor’s bankruptcy is not an obstacle to award the ownership of real estate to an auction purchaser who has been legally confirmed before the non-binding decision of declaring the debtor’s bankruptcy and who has fulfilled the auction conditions (Article 998 § 1 KPC). Despite the failure to observe the minimum limit of procedural formalism in this interpretation, de lege lata the application of the solution to the procedural problem proposed by the Supreme Court in the commented resolution is necessary and meets the needs of the practice of civil proceedings.
The optimal solution to the above-mentioned problem of the lack of sufficient protection of the auction purchaser’s rights should be amended by the Legislator, because the binding regulation may reduce the interest of potential bidders to participate in public auctions in judicial enforcement proceedings. It would consist in introducing in art. 146 paragraph 1 of the Polish Bankruptcy Law, the institution of the discontinuance of the enforcement proceedings ex officio by the enforcement authority, instead of the discontinuance ex lege.
Keywords: adjudication of ownership of real estate, confirmation of enforcement against real estate, declaration of bankruptcy, auction purchaser, discontinuance of the enforcement proceedings ex lege, discontinuance of the enforcement proceedings ex officio