PPE 5/2023
Dodatkowy opis i oszacowanie nieruchomości – problemy wybrane
dr Joanna Szachta
prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej; ORCID: 0000-0002-8042-8212
Additional Description and Estimation of Real Estate – Selected Problems
A trend may be observed presently that involves submitting applications of an additional description and evaluation before setting a deadline for a real estate auction. Such requests are submitted by debtors. Issues discussed in this study are aimed at approximating practical problems relating to handling such applications. The most important issues include answers to the following questions: should a lapse of time and change of value of real estate on the market be qualified as a major change of real estate status? Is it admissible to submit an application for an additional description and estimation after the first ineffective auction of real estate? If the answer is positive and, therefore, an additional description and estimation are prepared, is the first or perhaps the second auction of real estate held? The article discusses also issues relating to the cost of an additional description and estimation.
Keywords: enforcement against real estate, additional description and estimation, description and estimation, real estate auction, advance on additional description and estimation