PPE 5/2022
O stosowaniu przepisów Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, zmienionych ustawą z dnia 10 lipca 2015 r., w toku egzekucji z nieruchomości oraz podziału sumy uzyskanej przez tę egzekucję
dr Arkadiusz Sadza
Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego i Międzynarodowego Prawa Handlowego WPiA UMCS, ORCID: 0000-0002-8238-6255; sędzia Sądu Rejnowego Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
About the Application of Regulations of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 10 July 2015 on the Progress of Enforcement Against Real Estate and the Division of Sums Obtained from Enforcement
The paper discusses the problematic issue that occurs in view of intertemporal regulations included in the Act that amends the Code of Civil Proceedings of 10 July 2015. In situations where enforcement against real estate is conducted in favour of several enforcing creditors, of whom some have initiated the enforcement proceedings before an effective date of the Act (i.e. before 8 September 2016), while others have initiated it already during the effective period of new regulations, doubts may arise as to which regulations of the Code of Civil Proceedings, i.e. those introduced with the novelization or those applicable beforehand, should be applied in the course of enforcement against real estate and to the division of the sum obtained from enforcement. According to the author hereof, both theoretical and practical arguments weight in favour of a thesis that the decisive for the issue of admissibility of applying new regulations is the date of starting enforcement proceedings in which the enforcement against real estate has been initiated and are joined by consecutive creditors. It is not material, however, when individual enforcement proceedings have been initiated (separately from the enforcement proceedings in which enforcement against real estate is pending) by joining creditors.
Keywords: enforcement, real estate, proceedings, distribution plan, intertemporal regulations