PPE 4/2024
Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 25 października 2023 roku (III CZP 2/23)
Bartosz Buniowski
student V roku prawa na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; ORCID: 0009-0000-1041-2760
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Comment on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 25 October 2023 (III CZP 2/23)
Bartosz Buniowski, student of the 5th year at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw; ORCID: 0009-0000-1041-2760
In the gloss, the author refers to the concurrence of court and administrative enforcement proceedings based on the resolution of the Supreme Court of 25 October 2023 (III CZP 2/23). He approves the Supreme Court’s position that it is necessary to abandon the existing standpoint concerning the inability to declare the administrative enforceability of an enforceable title, including a mortgage-backed tax obligation. The author elaborates on the thread aimed at resolving the construction gap in law by enforcing a broadening interpretation of Art. 777 § 3 of the Civil Procedure Code in conjunction with Art. 75 of the Mortgage and Land Register Act and Art. 38 of the Tax Code. The Supreme Court’s approach to that legal issues is assessed as correct and necessary, given the purpose of enforcement proceedings, which is to satisfy a debtor.
Keywords: concurrence of court and administrative enforcement proceedings, court enforcement, administrative enforcement, construction gap in law, administrative enforceable title