PPE 4/2022
Doręczenie komornicze jako nieegzekucyjna czynność komorników sądowych
Paweł Czyszkowski
doktorant w Instytucie Nauk Administracyjnych, Zakład Publicznego Prawa Gospodarczego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego; ORCID: 0000-0003-0451-7624
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Judicial Service of Correspondence as a Non-Enforcement Activity of Court Enforcement Officers
This study deals with service made by a court enforcement officer after the amendments to the Law of 22 March 2018 as non-enforcement activities of court enforcement officer. In the study it was demonstrated that the scope of these activities makes the judicial officer closer to an entrepreneur, contrary to the legislature’s declaration in the Act. Attention is also drawn to the procedural difficulties that may arise in connection with the practical application of the provisions discussed. The study points out the scope of these activities and the connection with other provisions including art. 139(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Keywords: court enforcement officer, businessman, service of correspondence, bailiff fees