PPE 3/2024
Samorząd zawodowy komorników sądowych między kryzysem a rozwojem – wybrane aspekty systemu finansowania korporacji zawodowej komorników
Monika Janus
komornik sądowy; ORCID: 0000-0002-6623-5043

The Professional Body of Judicial Officers between Crisis and Development – Selected Aspects of the System of Financing the Professional Corporation of Judicial Officers
Monika Janus, judicial officer; ORCID: 0000-0002-6623-5043
Self-government of public repose conidence professions has been appointed to exectuing tasks under the Constitution, such as representing of personsperforming profession of public trust and carrying on proper practice of such professions for the purpose of protecting, the public interest. This article analyzes the financing system of self-goverment of judicial officers in Poland in terms of efficienty when executing tasks. In order to be effective in executing tasks, it is necessary to have tools for freedom and autonomy, e.g. to have its own property, to build financial independence and freedom in spending. Studies has shown that a great of deal of freedom and authonomy of self-govermet od judicial officers has been restricted by legal regulations and is not noticeable, as expectations and assumptions. Thats way a self-goverment of judicial officers needs further reforms in the area of financial system.
Keywords: professional self-goverment, profession of public trust, self-goverment of judicial officers, financing system of self-goverment of judicial officers