PPE 3/2023
Opłata egzekucyjna należna w razie upadku tytułu wykonawczego
Mateusz Pietrzyk
sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Chrzanowie
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Enforcement Fee Payable if the Enforceable Title Fails
This article discusses enforcement fees charged in the case of the failure of an enforceable title during the enforcement proceedings. This mainly includes the invalidity of a payment order in the writ-of-payment proceedings and electronic writ-of-payment proceedings in the case the court agrees to review an objection against those rulings already upon the enforceable title date. The latter takes place if the court overrules the mandatory immediate enforceability of a decision rendered in absentia. The article presents the critical analysis of applicable regulations and points out the lack of uniform case law in actual circumstances where a defendant invokes the ineffectiveness of the delivery of court correspondence.
Keywords: enforcement fees, delivery, enforceable title, discontinuance of proceedings