PPE 3/2022
Wpływ postępowania karnego i postępowania w sprawie o przestępstwo skarbowe na status komornika sądowego
dr Sebastian Kowalski
Katedra Prawa Karnego i Postępowania Karnego INP Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, ORCID: 0000-0003-1993-1211; sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Wałbrzychu
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Impact of Penal Proceedings and Proceedings Against a Fiscal Crime on the Status of a Bailiff
The article presents the dogmatic-legal analysis of the impact of penal proceedings and proceedings concerning a fiscal crime on the status of a bailiff. This impact involves an option of suspending a bailiff in activities when proceedings are initiated against him or her or upon the expiry under law of the appointment of a bailiff to the official position and the option to dismiss him or her from the position upon passing a final and valid judgement concerning a crime or a fiscal crime. According to the author, the present regulations of this problem in the Act on bailiffs, although generally correct, do require an intervention of the legislator. The author deems as unacceptable, first of all, no possibility to revoke a decision to suspend a bailiff in activities if the basis of a suspension has been the presentation of an alleged crime or a fiscal crime, regardless of how long the proceedings continue or of their outcome and the expiry of the appointment to the official position of a bailiff sentenced for a wilful act prosecuted on the basis of private prosecution, even if its commitment had nothing to do with the fulfilment of an official function.
Keywords: suspension of a bailiff, termination of appointment, dismissal, conviction