PPE 2/2024
Zakres zajęcia nieruchomości w egzekucji sądowej
dr Joanna Derlatka
Zakład Prawa Cywilnego, Prawa Postępowania Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy, Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach; adwokat; ORCID 0000-0002-2633-4151
Scope of Seizure of Real Property in Judicial Enforcement Proceedings
dr Joanna Derlatka, Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law and Labour Law, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce; advocate; ORCID 0000-0002-2633-4151
On the basis of the Act of 9 March 2023 on amendments to the Civil Procedure Code and certain other acts, a number of significant amendments were made in the field of seizure of real property as the first stage of judicial enforcement. This document analyses the scope of seizure of real property, including in particular the seizure of rights stemming from real property insurance contracts and entities referred to in Art. 929 § 1 of the Civil Procedure Code. The scope of seizure in the execution of real property is extended by incorporating ex lege the rights stemming from insurance contracts covering mortgaged objects. Thus, the legal regulation that diversifies the scope of seizure depending on whether enforcement proceedings are conducted to find receivables under insurance contracts or mortgaged debts is no longer in force. In addition, this document takes into account the consequences of revoking the legal basis that allows for increasing a purchase price by a sum attributable to the debtor on the basis of the insurance contract. The analysis also includes benefits obtained under property insurance contracts if the second real property auction is unsuccessful.
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, seizure, execution of real property, mortgage, insurance contract