PPE 2/2023
Wyłączenia podmiotowe z przetargu w sądowym postępowaniu egzekucyjnym
dr hab. Michał Krakowiak
prof. UŁ, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; ORCID: 0000-0002-6212-5517
Dowiedz się więcejABSTRACT
Exclusion of Entities from Bids under Court Enforcement Proceedings
This paper contains the analysis of those regulations of the Civil Procedure Code that apply to entities excluded from bidding procedures concerning movable and real property under court enforcement proceedings. The analysis is preceded with the description of legal characteristics of auctions and bids as basic methods applied to realise the debtor’s assets. The issue hereunder is discussed in the light of regulations on restrictions of entities entitled to take part in bids under enforcement proceedings. The author presents in detail the legitimacy of excluding the following entities from bids: debtors, bailiffs, members of their families, persons attending auctions in an official capacity, bidders that have failed to meet bidding terms and conditions, persons that have failed to present a necessary real property purchase permit issued by a competent state authority, persons that misbehave or disturb in the process. The paper ends with the analysis of procedural consequences of excluded entities attending the bid.
Keywords: court enforcement proceedings, cash benefits, sale under enforcement proceedings, bid, bidders