PPE 2/2022
(Nie)dopuszczalność powołania spółki partnerskiej do pełnienia funkcji doradcy restrukturyzacyjnego
dr Grzegorz Kamieński
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu; ORCID 0000-0002-1278-7950
(In)admissibility of Appointing a Partnership to Act as a Restructuring Advisor
The study discusses the possibility of establishing a partnership as a restructuring advisor. The admissibility of appointing a partnership to act as a restructuring advisor raises doubts in the doctrine of restructuring and bankruptcy law. This issue is important primarily for bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings, but at the same time it concerns the freedom of economic activity of people who, in the form of a partnership, a free legal profession (lawyers, legal advisers) and at the same time having a license of restructuring advisors, would like to act as a partnership as restructuring advisors.
Keywords: trustee, restructuring advisor, restructuring advisor license, partnership