PPE 12/2022
Kilka uwag do wykładni art. 19 ust. 1 ustawy o komornikach sądowych
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński
adiunkt w Akademii Nauk Stosowanych w Łomży, ORCID: 0000-0003-4371-9691; sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Łomży
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A Few Remarks on the Interpretation of Art. 19 Paragraph 1 of the Bailiffs Act
This study addresses two of the four grounds for dismissing a bailiff from his position, regulated in Art. 19 paragraph 1 of the Bailiffs Act. The first of these conditions is that the bailiff is 65 years of age. On the other hand, the second premise concerns the fact that the bailiff caused a financial shortfall, consisting in spending the funds subject to documentation for activities inconsistent with their intended use, in the amount exceeding PLN 15 000. At the end of the study, de lege ferenda conclusions were included.
Keywords: court bailiff, decision dismissing the bailiff from his position, financial shortage, prohibition of age discrimination