PPE 12/2022
Między zmiennością a racjonalnością – publicyzacja egzekucji sądowej (część 2). Analiza i ocena wybranych zmian legislacyjnych z lat 2015–2018
Jakub Bródka
student IV roku prawa na WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Between Volatility and Reasonableness – Publicisation of Court Enforcement (Part 2). Analysis and Assessment of Selected Legislative Changes in the Period of 2015–2018
The effective date of the Act on bailiffs and bailiff costs was the culmination of the period of publicisation of court enforcement, which began with the introduction of amendments to the Act on bailiffs and enforcement of 9 April 2015. The analysis is aimed at proving that the present form of court enforcement with regard to an enforcement fee, local competence and the right to select a bailiff by a creditor approximates it to the public-legal sphere and differentiates from legal professions that operate in contractual freedom. An enforcement fee has been classified by the author of the study as a public due, however of the nature of sui generis, while the local competence and right to select a bailiff as institutions of mixed character. The author concludes that the publicisation trend predominates now in the legislature that concerns court enforcement; nevertheless, considering all legislative achievements of the last 25 years, it is not possible to explicitly classify the profession of a bailiff in the dichotomy ius publicum – ius privatum.
Keywords: publicisation of court enforcement, bailiff, enforcement fee, enforcement proceedings, local competence