PPE 10/2022
Teleinformatyczne poszukiwanie majątku dłużnika i jego zajęcie w egzekucji świadczeń pieniężnych na przykładzie włoskiego prawa egzekucyjnego
dr hab. Michał Krakowiak, prof. UŁ
Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, ORCID: 0000-0002-6212-5517
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Search for Debtor’s Property with ICT Tools and its Seizure in Enforcement of Cash Allowances as Exemplified in Italian Enforcement Law
Efficiency of court enforcement carried out in order to fulfil monetary claims depends on whether an enforcement authority finds property of a debtor that may be subject to state enforcement. Digitalization of civil proceedings gives an option to introduce new techniques, including in court enforcement, in order to guarantee more effectively the right of every entity to execute a court ruling by a reasonable deadline. This study concerns Italian law. The selection of this legal order is justified by an original solution, namely universal seizure using ICT techniques. As a result of analysing Italian law, it needs to be indicated that electronic seizure of property of a debtor has been combined with prior, including using ICT tools, search for property via direct access to large databases of public administration, granted individually to a bailiff in every case.
Keywords: court enforcement, ICT proceedings, seizure of property, Italian law