PPE 1/2024
Wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu egzekucji obowiązku opróżnienia lokalu oddanego w najem okazjonalny
dr Justyna Sadowska
notariusz; ORCID: 0000-0001-6302-995X
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Selected Issues in Enforcement of Duty to Vacate Unit Under Occasional Rent
dr Justyna Sadowska, notary public; ORCID: 0000-0001-6302-995X
The paper discusses selected issues within enforcement of the duty to vacate a unit used under occasional rent. First, general matters have been presented that are related to the institution of occasional rent of flats. Next, conditions for using protection by a landlord have been discussed, as provided for in regulations that govern occasional rental. After that, issues relating to the fulfilment of duty to vacate a unit used under occasional rent were analysed, including the enforcement against coinhabitants. Finally, special regulations of enforcing the duty to vacate a unit concerning Ukrainian citizens were presented.
Keywords: occasional rental, issue of residential unit, legal title to unit, enforcement of unit vacation, co-residents